User Management

The brains of the outfit is a set of brilliant, built-in tools to manage your learners, their plans and their progress.

Training History

View a user's training history as an admin or a manager. Reset completion, and track their progress.


External users (e.g. agency, contractors or other temporary staff) can sign themselves up using a unique code or email address.

Personalisation feature

Users can customise their profiles by uploading an avatar and adding more info about themselves.

User Data Feed*

No need to add users one by one! Use your existing staff details to automatically add, edit and remove users.

Manager Dashboard

Give the everyday tasks to managers. Let them track their own team's progress, assign new content, and approve event bookings.

LMS Custom Reports

Discover from the data if learners are compliant and on track. Create profiled reports, controlling who sees what.

Simplify Life With User Groups

User groups make it quick and easy to assign training, permissions and banners to a particular set of users (such as leaders or onboarders).

Add new users and they get sent everything automatically. Add new training and it’s instantly rolled out to everyone in the group.

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A simplified table illustrating user groups with a mouse over an "Assign" button

Content Creation

We love content! Your content, our content, content from another system – we support it all.

SCORM Compliant

We support elearning content exported in SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004. Bring in modules you already have, or buy third-party content.

Built-In Quiz Engine

Quickly and easily create quizzes with our LMS platform. We have different answer types, limited attempts and optional feedback.

Catalogue of Content

Let your users find relevant training by browsing content that’s arranged under categories in the catalogue.

Deep Link to Content

Want to direct users to new or must-see content? Done! Share a link in any format from anywhere - email, intranet, whatever.

Variety of Modules

Keep things lively. Upload videos or docs, share useful links, add SCORM content, create a quiz, or make your own module.


Learners in different countries? No problem! Our LMS can be translated to support any language and the training needed for that part of the world.

Our amazing customers have delivered thousands of successful programs.

National Health Sevice Logo British Telecom Logo Cineworld Logo Sonos Logo Currys Logo Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Logo Regal Logo Sony Logo Tech21 Logo Furniture Village Logo Intel Logo Microsoft Logo Nvidia Logo Inghams Logo Technicolor Logo Severn Trent Logo Southern Water Logo Sonic Healthcare Logo MPC Film Logo

Don’t Stop Me Now...

Help learners go further on their journey of discovery. Point the way to related content as soon as they’ve finished a module.

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A simplified content tile in orange
A simplified content tile in purple
A simplified content tile in blue
A simplified content tile in teal

Awards & Gamification

A bit of friendly competition works wonders. So give learners a boost with one of our LMS’ coolest features, points, achievements and certificates.


Awarding points makes it easy to see how learners are doing. Use points on leaderboards to build team spirit.


For the completionists! Reward learners and give them something to collect as they complete the training.


Something to be proud of. Just print off and hang on the wall - customised to bring home your brand.


Strictly genius! Add a bit of sparkle with this feature and get teams competing against each other with leaderboards. Group them by store, region, country - whatever works for you.

Apply algorithms that average out the scores so small groups and big ones compete on a level playing field.

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A simplified leaderboard made up of 3 users, with the middle user highlighted to indicate the current logged-in user

Customisation of your companies LMS.

We don’t just pop your logo on and Bob’s your uncle. One of the main features of our LMS is that you can personalise it like nobody else, applying your visual identity to make it a true brand ambassador.


Of course we add your company logo. But if you have a sub-brand for learning, we can badge it with that too.


When your learners log on, let them see your brand looking back at them - with your colours used throughout.


Do you have a font? We work from your brand guidelines, so you can select any font to be used.

Advance Styles*

Sometimes a colour change doesn’t cut it. We can apply custom styling to put your brand identifiers on your LMS too.


Brilliant for promoting new programmes - profile them for different groups, add images, even set them to expire on a certain date.

Email Headers

We can customise your emails too. How about a header with an image, your greeting and a sign-off, all matched to your brand?

Bespoke Pages*

Every business is different - different objectives, different KPIs, different content. We look at your needs and come up with ways to change and optimise the LMS to get you exactly what you want.

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A simplified UI with a dotted area to indicate a space for a widget. A banner widget being dragged ontop of the previous illustration.

Events & Sessions

Our LMS has a full event management system feature that makes your life a lot easier. It’s really user-friendly and takes the stress out of organising webinars and face-to-face training for the whole team.

One Event, Multiple Sessions*

Save time by re-using details from a previous event. Create new session dates as they come up with no need to put in all the event info again.


Save venue details to be re-used for future events. Edit a venue and the changes stay on the system so you’ll always be up-to- date.

Manager or Tutor Approvals*

Put your learners through an approval process before they attend events. The right people will be there and you won’t be left short-staffed.

Learning Agreements*

Make sure learners are compliant after the event by getting them to digitally sign a learning agreement – kept on record, you can use it later if you need to.

Delegate Event Management*

Assign managers and tutors to events. With a unique permission set they can only manage the events they’ve been given.

Special Requests*

Learners can let you know if they have any special requests when they book. So you can make sure everyone’s catered for.

Classroom and Virtual*

Set up physical events that have a real-world venue, or create a virtual event that shows learners how to connect and when.

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A simple illustration of a calendar with a map 'pin' and webcam illustration pointing at dates.

*LMS Enterprise Features

Not all our LMS features come as standard. That’s because they’re usually bespoke, and not every client wants every feature anyway.

During a demo we show you how these features can help.You pick and choose which will add value for your business and are well worth the investment. So you won’t spend more than you need to.

Our LMS system allows you to create a course, add modules to the course, manage users, and track their progress. It offers the following features: Gamification, Multiple languages, user management and multiple module types.

The most effective feature of LMS is the game-like structure. It makes learning fun and easy, and it motivates students to excel.

The main purpose of an LMS depends on your goals and corporate learning strategy. The main purpose of a learning management system is to track and manage staff training.

There are multiple benefits of using an learning management system in your business. Key features include cost reduction and improved consumer satisfaction. The main purpose of a LMS is to deliver and track learning for initiatives in one platform.

Go On, Have a Play

We think you’ll love our LMS. And we’d love to show you how Academy Point and Academy Point Enterprise LMS can deliver world-class training to your people, wherever they are.

Arrange a demo today and have a play with our powerful LMS yourself. It’s a game-changer.

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